Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Please VOTE for me!


I found this web site while on Mystic Mud's blog a few days ago. I decided to submit a story. I could win $425.00. Which would be really cool. Especially right now. If the link  doesn't show up, you can go to the Disposable Income Kid site. My story is called This Man Still Cracks Me Up. Please vote for me! I would so appreciate all the votes I can get. And read the story too!



  1. I voted for you Kris!! And read the story too! My Dad and your Tiny would have gotten along! Sandwiches were sammwiches, bagels were baggles, Woodward Avenue was Woodard, and Lahser Road was Lasher. Brought back some fond memories. Thank you again.

  2. Betty Anne's hubby Bob here, Kris. You got another vote. And as I recall, Betsy's Dad said "sammiches"...no "W".

  3. Fat fingers...it's Betty Ann. She had read your blog to me for months. You're incredible!

    I was retired 2 1/2 years ago and invaded her space. It will take some getting used to, Kris.

  4. Hi Bob. I just love Betty Ann. And Kristin. I feel like I have known them forever now. Thanks for voting! I know it's going to take me awhile to adjust to my husband being here for good. But we are doing pretty good so far. Almost 6 years ago he was on sick leave for about 3 months. I really don't remember a whole lot about it. I think I might have sick leave amnesia or something.

    And I really do love my hubby. He does crack me up though. I forgot to say that he still, to this day, says sketti for spaghetti. Drives me crazy! He's 65 years old for crying out loud!

    Thanks again. And Bob, you are welcome to come up whenever Betty Ann and Kristin come for a visit. You and Tiny can sit around and talk. Or watch races. Or nap. Whatever.
