Sunday, November 3, 2013

Day 3: The beautiful place I live

I am so thankful that I get to wake up every morning and see a beautiful sunrise right out my front door.

And I get to see this right out my back door. Just awesomeness all around. I am so thankful that God chose to put me right here, in this place. I truly do love it here in my valley.

And right across the road is Pigeon Mt. And sometimes I get to see huge machines going through soybeans or corn, kicking up dust. There's always something going on out here. America at work!

I also get to see this beautiful mountain every day, in all it's glory right now. Lookout Mt. When our kids were little, my husband always told them that when they see this mountain, they were almost home. And if you make this picture bigger, you can just see Covenant College a little to the right of the middle. We could see this from our house just to the left. I would tell the kids it was a castle way up there on the mountain. I still call it the castle. My youngest graduated from Covenant 3 1/2 years ago. With bagpipes and all! The other day at the market, there was a group of young people with cameras that were on a field trip from the college, taking pictures of all the booths. I got to talk to them for awhile and they took lots of pictures of my booth. That was fun.

This is St. Elmo, Tn.We are right on the border of Tn. here and I go here several times a week. I love it there. When me and my husband get too old to farm, I want to live in St. Elmo. Just blocks and blocks of old houses. This is the 1885 restaurant on the corner. Named so because that's when St. Elmo was started. We've eaten here and they use local foods. It was really good. If anyone comes to Chattanooga, stop here to have lunch.

To the left of the restaurant is the Incline. It's that straight line going up the mountain. I have only ridden it one time. When my oldest daughter got a job at the Incline gift shop, she could ride it for free. I went with her the first day. It was really fun, but don't think I'd want to do it every day. She didn't work there but a few weeks. Where I took this picture, behind me, is Mr. T's pizza. It used to be a Kay's Castle ice cream shop when I first moved here. It still has the big ice cream cone on the roof. And to the right is the end of Lookout Mt. and Point Park. It's got a lot of Civil War plaques and statues and info there. Also a trail at the very end that goes all the way down to the Cravens House, which was a place that officers used during the war and I think it served as a hospital too? You can take a tour of it. It's a pretty place. Lots of history here. From this end of the mountain, you can see Signal Mt. and the Tn. River.

And here, in the shadow of the cloud, is Rock City. Can't hardly see it here.  This area is full of things to do and see. It's beautiful here.

If you ever get a chance to take a vacation, come here! You'll be glad you did. It's amazing. There's also the Tn. Aquarium and the river and Smokey Mts. aren't that far away either. It's all so much more beautiful in person!

I hope you enjoyed your little tour!


  1. Mom this is awesome! you just gave the whole country a tour of Chattanooga Valley

  2. Well, it is the most beautiful place in the whole country! I wouldn't want to be anywhere but here. It's worth showing off, right?

  3. Love the travelogue. My husband and I had a house in northern Alabama not far from the Tennessee border that we were planning on retiring to. Sadly, he passed away before we could do that and I had to sell the house. But I still love that part of the country and the small towns.

  4. It was good reading your blog for the first time. I live in west central GA about 30 minutes from Atlanta airport. I have visited your area years ago. I saw your post on Wooly Moss Roots blog which I enjoy. Thanks for sharing. MAry Ann Cauthen

  5. Denny, so sorry about your husband. I hope you are still able to travel. My step dad died May 28th this year and he and my mom had moved here to be close to us and to travel. Now she has to wait on some of the family to go with her. I hope you can make it to this beautiful part of the world soon!

  6. Mary Ann, thanks for stopping by! I love Taryn's blog and go there almost daily. My mom and I have been to the Atlanta airport a few times already to pick up my brother and take him back. Not something I'd like to do every day. That place it too confusing. But I do love Atlanta though.
