Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day 17: He's home!

This is my husband, all ready to leave the hospital this afternoon. After waiting nearly ALL day to be released. It takes forever for them to get it all together.

But they finally let him go. Just in time to get to Walmart to get all his many many prescriptions filled before they closed at 6.

We are home now! He's in his recliner, all covered up and in front of his big 55" flat screen tv. He's a happy man. (And he'll sleep so much better here. No one waking him up every few hours to take blood.) Had a nice warm bowl of home made soup. Had all his pills. His blood sugar was just 145 tonight after eating! It's been way over 200 most of the whole time in the hospital. And once it was 400. I think it was because he was there and laying in bed doing nothing, eating so much starch and carbs and fruit 3 times a day. Plus all the bags and bags of antibiotics all day for 7 days. I had him up and walking the past several days and that helps lower blood sugar and blood pressure.

Now it's back to the hospital Monday, Wednesday and Thursday to see the doctor and foot specialist. Then make appointments for primary care doctor and diabetic doctor. Here we go, with doctors every week! I think him just being out of the hospital and out of that truck and eating good food, he'll be a new man soon.

I am so thankful for all the prayers that went up for this man. Thank you all SO much! I really don't think he'd be home right now without prayer.


  1. I'm glad you're home, too, Charlie. I know you'll feel better there and that Kris will take care of you. If I can help; pick something up that you need, etc., let me know. I'll also taxi you to the doctor if Kris is busy. I'm very grateful for all the prayers on your behalf, too. God is good all the time! Love you!

  2. He's doing much better here. Already had the home health care nurse come this afternoon while I was going to get another prescription for him. He goes to the hospital again Wed. to see the doctor there. I guess home health will come every day to change the bandages.

    Thanks mom. I'm sure I'll be calling you. I want to go to the market Wed. and his appt. is 12:30.

  3. I'm so glad he is home and doing better!

  4. Kristin so glad your husband is doing so much better. I bet you are so glad to have him home.
    I am so sorry that he has been so sick. I pray he keeps improving with your good care at home.


  5. He's SO much better! Thanks ya'll, for all your good thoughts and prayers for him.
