Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Day 12: Thankful for friends and family.

Right now, I am so thankful for family and friends. For all the prayers being sent up for my husband and even me. Last night, I emailed our church to be put on the prayer chain. This morning I had several calls, concerned friends. Even the preacher came to visit him. It's nice, if he has to be in the hospital, to be so close to family and friends. Last time, 5 years ago, he was in Memphis, over 6 hours away. In Feb. And it was freezing! And Obama was being inaugurated. Bad time for all. And so far from home.

This is an old Pres. church in St. Elmo a block from the house me and Tiny met. I love this church. And it's always so pretty. I had to turn around and take pictures of it today on the way to the hospital. It just feels so friendly. My daughter and I went there a few years ago. It's all wood inside. Nice people but long service.

Thank you all again. I hope to have happier posts again soon.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you have such a wonderful support group during this time. I hope Tiny is doing better today.
