Sunday, October 6, 2013

They are here!

Susan called this morning, wanting to know if I was ready for the boys. I said as ready as I would ever be. So she and 2 of her grand kids loaded them up and brought them over. I love this little trailer especially made for little Alpacas.

                                    Here's Stella and Bubba welcoming them to their new home.

They are just so cute. I would love to be able to just hug them. But they really aren't that lovable. I know it'll take them a long time to get to know me and their new home here.

They stand like this a lot. I love their faces. So full of expression. They make such sad little noises though. They are so used to a lot of other Alpacas and they are the only ones here. They can see the sheep. And they're used to chickens.

We found out they are half brothers with the same father. Both born in Sept. 2010. So just turned 3. Their mothers are sisters too.

This is Pecan Lane's Sugar Baby. I will call him Gandalf, I think. I just don't know yet. Sugar baby though?

And Baryshnikov, the Russian ballet dancer. He's beautiful. They both are, but I am just drawn to him. I love color and can't wait to get that wool. But, he is a kicker. Must be the dancer in him!

                                                 Such handsome Alpacas, don't you think?


  1. :) Congrats!!
    Let us know how they fit in!

  2. They are so cute!
    I think he looks like a sugar baby.
    I wonder if alpacas are fence jumpers?
    My Mom always wanted an alpaca. We actually went out to a alpaca/ llama farm one time when she was considering buying one. She never did buy one, but we did go home with some very nice fiber.


  3. Kris you lucky girl!!!
    They are absolutely beautiful and such cute faces.I can't believe they were free and love the colored ones fleece.
    But white is nice too because you can make it any color you like or mix it with the other one fleece for a softer color.


  4. Right now I have them in the chicken lot. The sheep are across the driveway in the bigger pasture. They can see the sheep and hear them. Don't know if they've ever seen sheep.

    Kimberly, Susan said they don't usually challenge a fence. I have field fence and chain link surrounding the pasture they are in now, with 3' welded wire fence separating a small lot. Y'all should have a few. They are so sweet.

    Linda, Susan gave me a pound of raw wool that's black. I need to wash it and card it. I so have to learn how to spin now. I want to make a drying stand now with PVC pipe.
