Thursday, October 3, 2013


Yesterday, I cracked open one of the white eggs I found in the hidden nest, and it was a double yolker! Haven't seen one of those in a long time. And so far, all of them have been good.

Some of the muskadine juice I made yesterday morning. 9 quarts. I'll be able to make more jelly as I need it now. I had some juice left over and added sugar to it and left it on the counter with a loose lid. I did this last time I made juice and it fermented really good.  I love it! Just right with the fermenti-ness.

Also made several jars of apple butter. And pear-blueberry butter. I feel like I have been making either jelly, preserves, butters or soap for weeks now. I am doing nothing today but mow later. I am so tired! But I have a lot of things ready for the Grape Stomp at the Georgia Winery this Saturday from 12-6. I hope I sell out. If anyone is near here, come on out. It's in front of the KOA campground right off I75 at Battlefield Parkway. It's so fun. And THE best wine in the country too.

Yesterday at market, I walked down to use the bathroom and too pictures. I love this wall. There was a van parked right in front so had to take a side shot. There's a rooster at the end near a coop. It's so cute. I'll have to find out who did this. It's on Main St. in Chattanooga. The Southside  has grown the past few years into a very eclectic and cool place to go. Lots of places to eat and really cool stores to shop. And there are so many new or renovated homes and condos there now. It used to be all run down and ugly. Not now. I love it there. I just love Chattanooga.

Here's the apple butter cooking. From my own apples. It turned out really good.

So I am staying home today. Just hanging out. I'll mow later when all the dew is dried off the grass. I also need to rake up sheep poo. Good grief, those sheep poop all the time! Big piles. That'll all go on the garden. Which is looking pretty good so far. The kale and collards are all coming up. Radishes almost ready to pick. The Brussels sprouts look good too. Can't wait for fresh sprouts. Love them.

Next week, after the Grape Stomp is over and I can do nothing for awhile, I am cleaning this house! From top to bottom. I have neglected it so much doing all the soap and stuff. It really needs a good fall clean up. And my mom will have another yard sale at her house, so I'll get some things to take over there. I have way too much stuff.

Y'all have a great day! I think I will too.

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