Sunday, September 15, 2013


So I finally got my head into making soap yesterday afternoon. I have been trying for weeks now. I'd just keep putting it off. Or something else would come up. I just really couldn't get into it at all.

But yesterday, I just started putting all my soap making things in the kitchen. Pots, measuring things, oils, EO's, herbs. So then I HAD to make soap. I got 5 soaps made!

Here they all are. All bundled up and warm in their blankets for the night.

This is the sage. I had bought some EO's when I went to Colorado. We went to manitou Springs and there was a little shop that sold them. She would pour fresh oils into little tiny bottles. It was cool. I got 4 there. This one I added some pineapple sage leaves cut up in the soap. It's a veggie base soap. Smells so good!

This is a lavender-rosewood.  And I added fresh lavender to it from the herb garden. It's also a veggie base soap.

The one on the left is the apple cider-cinnamon. Yum! Smells like hot apple cider with spices. I used my apple cider instead of water. The lye turned it red at first. The brown. And it stunk! But now it smells like apple cider. I added cinnamon EO and sprinkled cinnamon on top.

On the right is the orange-clove. I used Valencia orange and clove EO's. then ground up fresh whole cloves and added to the soap then on top. It turned the soap a little brown, but will hopefully lighten up as it cures?

These both smell like fall.

Then this is the lard based soap. I used the thyme and rosemary EO's I got from Col. in these as well as fresh rosemary and thyme from the herb garden. This is a pretty soap. And of course smells amazing too. Can't wait to cut them all now.

As you can tell, I use anything I have on hand for molds. The 2 spiced soaps are in canning jar boxes. And the rosemary-thyme is in a restaurant utensil tray. The lavender rose is in a tin baking pan. I have also used Pringles cans, long metal chicken feeders, shaped molds and also cupcake papers. So anything can be used for making soap. But it is hard for me to get a good 4 oz. bar every time. There is a guy up the road  who made my farm sign that will make soap molds but I can't afford any right now. Maybe some day. They are really nice though.

I hope this will inspire someone else to make some good smelling soap!


  1. wow...amazing! Do you use hot or cold press method? Ever share your recipes? I have made soap in a long time, but would love to start again....Blessings~~Shine

  2. Kris I have not made the veggie based soap yet. Do you mind sharing your recipe?
    I love the way your soaps look and the combinations you used. I bet your house smells fantastic.


  3. I was in the middle of posting yesterday and got interrupted. Your soaps look amazing! I'm going to have to order some from you.

    My first batch of goat milk soap turned out the best. It's nice and firm, and a light cream color. Too bad I don't remember which recipe I used.
