Saturday, July 6, 2013

Rain, rain, go away!

It is STILL raining! This is the 5th straight day of rain. I cannot remember what a blue sky looks like, so I put this picture back up.

It has looked like this since Monday afternoon. Just rain, rain and more rain. Not really heavy rain, but a steady drizzly rain that sometimes goes to a downpour. Everything is soaked. Including my poor chickens. Goats will not come out of the barn at all. The sheep are all huddled under the shed over next door. It's just miserable weather.

I know I should not complain. I know the garden is loving this. I know in a few weeks, I will be praying for rain. And I know we are not the only ones flooding right now. I know God is in control. But it's DEPRESSING to say the least.

I hope someone out there has seen the sun and it's not really missing.


  1. It is so stinking wet here that the feed bags in the barn loft have collected so much moisture the feed is starting to mold! I want to scream. I'm just glad that I only have a couple bags left. Unfortunately, this means I can't buy in bulk for a discount until the weather changes.

    Hang in there!

  2. I went out to feed this morning and am drenched with sweat! It's SO humid. I did see the sun trying to poke out from behind all those stinkin' clouds for a few minutes though. So it is still up there.

    I hope y'all dry out soon too. And that's not a good thing about the feed. Mold is not good for goats at all.

    You habg in there too! This too shall pass.

  3. It's been raining in VT all the time, none of the farmers have gotten hardly any first cut. We took a chance a few days ago & it rained buckets, we had to go to plan B which is wrapped silage bales. They are predicting a hay shortage here.

  4. That's awful. I hope it stops soon. I hope I can get some hay now. I was waiting for 2nd cut hay this year. The way it's been raining, I don't know now.
