Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Meat birds

The 7 chickens I butchered Monday all weighed at least 4 pounds each. There were 2 @ 3.25 pounds. the rest were 4-4 1/2 pounds each. Not too bad. I can already tell the others are growing bigger. I am so ready for them all to be gone. I have spent a small fortune on these birds. There's no way I'll make it all back. Does anyone actually make a profit raising and selling meat chickens? Anyone? If so, I would love to know how.

1 comment:

  1. I make money on mine. Usually about $300 on 50, but I'm really starting to wonder if it's worth the effort. I spend at least 30 minutes a day for 8 weeks caring for them and an entire day with at least 5 people butchering them. So that's about 78 hours of work. $3.85 an hour. Ugh.

    This weather is really making it worse and I'm thinking this may be the only batch I do this year. With the sick goats, the extra mucking because of the mud, and these birds, it's taking me about 2 hours to do morning chores. That's just not going to work when I have to start teaching school again.

    I have made enough money to pay off my tractors and my plucker. I don't want to eat chicken from the store, so I'll at least keep doing enough for my family and my helpers on butcher days.

    It's just not cost effective to order fewer than 50 chicks at a time though.

    I don't know. This rain needs to let up. I am ready to throw in the towel.
