Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Clouds today

 I went to the Main St. farmer's market this afternoon. It was really hot today. I started seeing these awesome clouds rolling in from the North heading South. They were so beautiful.

                     I have never seen a cloud like this before. Look at the top. It's smooth. So cool.


                                                  I had to get a closer view if this cloud.

And this one. They were changing so fast. I just love clouds. Then as I was leaving, I could see lightening in some of them. On the way home, there were a few sprinkles. But that was all. So amazing, these big huge clouds.


  1. nice pictures, I love clouds too.
    Glad you survived the heat. We won't be getting any relief until Saturday.

  2. We have been getting some really big white clouds around here but not much rain. I had to water tonight. And it's been so hot. I should not complain about it because it is summer. Nice cold well water helps a lot!
