Monday, July 29, 2013

Bees are gone

The bees are all gone now. It's so strange to go out there and not see or hear them. It's so darn sad too. I was not going to put them where they are. I had a spot out back up on the hill in the corner all ready for them to go. But my friend said this would be a better place. It was easier to get them there too. Totally under the tree all day.

When I get more bees, I'll move this hive, after it's been all cleaned out, to that better spot. I will have more bees here. But now have to wait til next spring.


  1. I'm so sorry, Kris. I'm sure mine will be soon. I still haven't decided whether to try again.

  2. We have to try again! I know I am. I have to have more bees. I miss mine already.
