Thursday, May 9, 2013

Nettles, market and a big fat goat

I was out in the yard yesterday and came across this. I think it's stinging nettle but not really sure because I have never seen it actually growing. It's on the side of the driveway. I hope it is. I would love my own patch of nettles growing right here. I am seeing lots of elderberry bushes popping up all over here too. I just need to invest in bird netting so maybe I can get some of the berries this year. But any thoughts from you foraging folks would be great.

And this is my poor little booth space at the  Main St. farmer's market yesterday. It was a bit breezy which was fine because it was also quite warm there. It's on a busy growing street on the South side of Chattanooga. So lots of business. I sold out of dandelion jelly so am making more today. Also sold a lot of soap which I need to start making more of. My booth smells so good. I get a lot of people because of that. Last week I was on the opposite side where people coming in got to see my booth first. This week I was on the street side and so very different . But made the very same amount of money as last week.

And here is poor big fat waddling Sandy. I just don't know about this girl. The 7th was 155 days according to my calendar so I don't know what is up with her. Tuesday I saw some goo so put her in the stall for the night. Next morning, nothing. So let her out. Yesterday, nothing. This morning, nothing. I have given up worrying and checking on her. If she has kids, that's great. But I am doubting her now. I think she's just a fat pig.

What do y'all think?


  1. I believe you just miscounted! I would love to see some pics of the elderberry bushes. I use to pick with my mamaw, but that was years ago and I only picked what she pointed at. I am so glad you are doing well at market.

  2. Well she looks like a goat that has dropped, but she's not loose in the rear... Is she getting plenty of excercise? Are you still milking her? Since she has a bag.


  3. Your plant looks a lot like my mystery plant in my post here . Thats what it looks like when it gets big. Theres only one way to know for sure if its nettles. Touch it.


  4. That looks like nettles, does it have a square stem?

    Goat looks pregnant, check to see if she has any colostrum.

  5. That was the last possible date for her. Unless she snuck out one night for a roll in the hay with the LaMancha buck. And she better not have. If these kids come out with no ears, I'm gonna cry!

    Her tail bones are very loose, but her lady parts are not swollen or floppy yet. And yes, she gets plenty of excercise. She's out back right now, at the very top of the hill, eating.

    The plant is really small. Probably only about 7" tall right now. There are 2 of them. I'll have to go check for the square stem. I'm taking a break right now. I have mowed and made 22 little jars of dandelion jelly. And planted a flat of peppers and tomatoes. And it's hot out there!

    But thanks for all the comments. I was beginning to wonder if anyone came here anymore. Thank you all for visiting my little farm blog!

  6. Oh, forgot to say I have not milked Sandy since last year when she dried herself up in Aug. Darned ole goat! Her udder has filled up a lot the past few weeks. But she's one who doesn't fill up totally until the day she delivers.

  7. It does have square stems.

  8. Kris,
    Mike (my husband) says the Plant looks like nettles

  9. I am so glad it is! I winder if it could be moved to a better place now? I'll have to research about it. I do know that Taryn and Jeff at Wooly Moss Roots blog have a nettle patch they moved and it's growing really good. Of course they live in Oregon.

  10. I can't tell from the picture, but all my goats' hoohoo's went from roundish to a vertical line when they were pregnant.

    Your booth looks great. I love the little chalk board. I should take the kids dandelion hunting and try some of this jelly you keep talking about!

  11. Kristin, I just made 22 more jars yesterday. People love this stuff. At $5 a jar, it's a pretty good profit. It would be nice to have helpers. I get Kansas to help sometimes. But you know how that goes. I hope you find some and do try the jelly. Just google it.

  12. The plant looks like the awful stinging things I detest. I don't care for garden gloves so I pull weeds barehanded. I'm into "fool me twice" on that plant. I'm glad the poor species has found some love. I'm happy that you are happy to have it. :)

  13. Hi Betty Ann! I have missed you. I know you don't like that nasty weed, but I am just so excited to see it here! I will not let it get any farther South. I promise. I will keep it right here on my little farm, all snug and happy. How are you, by the way?

  14. I still read your blog every day. I was having trouble posting comments with those crazy words it made me type in. I don't know how you changed it, but it's easy now!! Trust me, I haven't gone anywhere. Glad you are keeping the nettles there but one weed I wish you could send is dandelions. I would love to taste your home made dandelion concoctions. That plant just doesn't grow much down here.
