Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Please watch and help if you can.



  1. So sad. I watched a documentary about a woman in VT (I think) that had the same thing happen to her. Absolutely despicable.

  2. This is happening everywhere. Unfortunately a lot of people get involved in scrapies first thing when they get sheep, and this invites the government in, and lets them know were the flocks of sheep are to kill. My Mom read a book about a lady that had this happen. I think they might have been the same family that was in the documentary Farmagedon.
    You know they made it against the law to own colored heritage breed pigs in a lot of states? The farmers were forced to shoot all there pigs and piglets. It's horrible. The government is out of control.
    My mom used to worked for our county dept. of Ag. The place was horribly corrupt. They didn't like her, because she wasn't one of their puppets. All they care about is what they can fine someone for, so that they can bring in more money for the department. They have put all the little people out of business in our area. There used to be several SMALL family dairies in our county. They all had to close up, or move away because of the AG Dept. They are supposed to work for the people, not against the people. Everyone fears them here.


  3. It does seem like this is happening more and more to little farmers all over now. What can we do to stop this from happening? It's so scary? And isn't there a way to test these animals without having to kill them? I remember hearing about the guy up in Indiana, or was it Michigan, that had the heritage hog operation and the pigs looked like feral wild hogs. So they were all killed. It just seems like the big animal operations are wanting to have control of the market and they are the ones with money, which is what rules the world. It's SO scary.

  4. Well said, Kimberly. These people are supposed to be working for us! How is is that we have paramilitary government agencies shutting down small producers with no compensation then turning a blind eye to the big guys (look into how they recently reduced inspections at big chicken plants)? Follow the dollar, I guess.

    I am happy to see a growing resurgence in small farms, farm to table, and local food movements. I think that is going to be our best way to fight them. People are waking up. We need to keep spreading the word and sharing the truth.

  5. I just recently joined the Farmer to Consumer Legal Defense Fund. Just in case. You just never know. I live across the road from some chicken houses. Several years ago, I got a call from Atlanta Agriculture Dept. They needed to come test my poultry for Avian Flu. They have to test every time they take birds to the processing plant and they came back positive for AF. So they said they had to test poultry around a 10 mile radius of that chicken operation. So they sent 2 people out here early one morning in suits and masks. At that time, I had 4 ducks and some turkeys. They seemed only interested in the ducks. And tested all of them. They asked if there were wild ducks that ever landed in my property. No. They testes a few turkeys and only ONE chicken. Apparently, the wild ducks are carriers of AF.

    They called a few days later and said there was a mistake in the lab that had tested the chickens across the road and they were sorry for the inconvenience. And by the way, I had to ask if my birds were ok and healthy. They were.

    So most of the time it's a mistake from a lab tech. Just like over in China just about a month ago where they had to kill thousands of birds and then found out it was a mistake.

  6. Is it really a mistake? This is happening all the time. They tell these people that the rare animals they are raising have these diseases. Then kill everyone of their animals, and then oops it was a mistake. Usually the people only find out that their animals were healthy after they fight and take them to court. Which costs them so much money, they pretty much loose everything in the process.

