Monday, April 15, 2013

Look what I have

Aren't these the cutest little things? I got them this afternoon from Sand Mt. They're New Zealand White does. 5 weeks old. I had been thinking about getting some for the garden. And I have this little chicken tractor that's just perfect for them to move around the garden and fertilize to their heart's content. They're already eating the grass. I found my old rabbit stuff, so I didn't have to buy anything but rabbit feed.


  1. The bunnies made it through the night and are hopping around. I already had to move them. They are bunny pigs! Too cute. And they let us pet them and hold them. I love them.

  2. ooooo cute bunnies. we have some too. what are you going to use them for?

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. I'm totally in love. You cannot do this to me! I've been trying NOT to get rabbits for over a year. You are weakening my resolve.

  5. Aren't they cute little bunnies? I just love them already. It was the quietest ride with animals in my car ever.

    I'm just going to use them to fertilize and eat the grass and weeds in the garden right now. Then later, in the fall, I might get a buck and breed them. I just think it'll be too hot to do that to them in the summer here. And humid. I guess I'll have to see if they make it through ur hot summer.

    I had been thinking about getting a few rabbits for awhile now. And when I saw this ad on CL, and they were just $7 each, I couldn't pass that up. And after reading Aubrey's post on Root Song Farm blog, she said her NZ does were the best mothers. So then here they were, right up over a few mountains. I just went and got them. Sometimes I just jump like that.

  6. Adorable! And big for 5 weeks. It's amazing how fast meat rabbits grow.
    I have raised rabbits since I was about 10 y.o. in 4-H and finally gave away of my last two Satin Angoras about a year or two ago. I couldn't take my allergies with their grooming. But I miss having cuddley SHORT HAIRED rabbits. Then I saw this Holland Lop picture on pinterest I want one so bad! I love its color.


  7. That is the cutest bunny. Is it real? I see all those Lamb's Ears and that about the only thing my sheep did not eat in my yard when they were out there last week. They ate all the day lillies and iris.
