Friday, April 5, 2013

Eggs and fences and kindred spirits

I finally got an egg from the 2 hens in the tractor today! I had lifted the top a few days ago and left it open for a few minutes. Kansas told me a few had gotten out. The rooster and 2 hens. Out. All over the yard. I grabbed some feed and got them in the coop. And they've been there ever since. I keep forgetting to get them back in the tractor. But I did get one egg yesterday from one of the cooped hens. So 2 eggs in 2 days! And after paying $5  for a dozen eggs at the farmer's market Wed.

Also got my Premier sheep netting fences and energizer electric fence I ordered on Wed. That was fast. I'm going to put up one of the fences out in the front yard and let the sheep mow it for me tomorrow. See how the fence works. Each one is 164'. I am planning on putting one up and putting the sheep in it. Then putting the other one up next to it to let them into it after a few days. I'll have to see how that works. That energizer is too cool. I hope I can get it working. I'll take pictures and post again when it's up.

And had some people come over tonight to see about getting goat milk and cheese. So some new customers. And some new friends. I feel like I have met some kindred spirits. They are into fermenting too! So they want to come back and learn how I do it. So fun! I love meeting kindred spirits. Right away, I liked them all. Like I've known them forever. I am finding that there are a lot of people like this around. I have been meeting them all over. And even right here on my blog. I feel like all of you who leave comments are kindred spirits too. So many people doing the same things I am. Sharing what they learn. Learning form others. We need this now. More than ever. Kindred spirits.


  1. I agree wholeheartedly!! I check your blog first thing every morning and feel we are certainly friends already! Kristin and I have been plotting a daytrip to Chattanooga so we can come and meet you! We are such fans. We learn so much just from following your antics. :) But no matter how hard you try I still don't want any of those blankety blank nettles!! Kristin, this is your Mama. Do you hear me? :p

  2. That's so sweet. Thank you so much. I would love for you both to come up. That would be great! And I could make some nettle tea! Just kidding. I am trying to figure out where to put a patch here now. I'll try to keep you far away from them! But really, y'all come on up. Any time. I would love to meet you both. And my name is Kristin too. So there is more we have in common.

  3. Wonderful!! I can't believe you are also a Kristin with an "IN" so you spell it right too!! It is very hard to pry my Kristin away from her farm but we sure want to get your way. Hoping it isn't just a pipedream....

  4. Well, I know how she feels. It's hard for me to go anywhere. I have too many animals here to take care of. I would love to go on trips sometimes. But I do love my farm.

    I have been meeting a lot of other Kristins lately. And spelled the same way too.
