Thursday, April 18, 2013


Can you see the little tiny bee drinking water at their pretty little water bowl? I've already had to fill it up so I know they're drinking from it a lot. I think it's so pretty. I put some sticks in it so they could land on them to drink, but they just land on the side like this one so far.

The bees have really been busy with all the trees blooming and flowers all over. I planted some sunflower seeds last week and they are all coming up! And I got 3 more blueberry bushes and just planted them to day. I have 10 now! All full of blooms full of bumble bees.


  1. At first I was wondering why you put eggplants in the water... sticks, of course!

    Our weather man is warning of a possible light frost tonight for North and Central AL, so heads, up, the cold front might be crossing you, too.

  2. Eggplant! It kind of does look like eggplant. It's supposed to be in the 30's a few nights here. It's cold now.
