Sunday, April 28, 2013

Around the farm. Sunday morning.

 This is the garden this morning, after a monsoon. And it's still raining. This is the 3 beds I planted Wed. Now under water. I hope all the seeds didn't get washed down to the end.

                                                        This is the front sheep pasture.

Here is my pond, Sandra. It's not near as big as yours, and it drains in a few days. I need to get a few dump truck loads of top soil some day. Look at that fog at the foot of Pigeon Mt.

               And here is the pond in the other pasture. And a creek. And the horses across the road.

Standing in a bog puddle of water in the garden. I so need to trench so all this water will go down the rows and not over them.

 We're having a birthday party for my grand daughter, Kansas. She'll be 10 Tuesday. We got her and the other 2 grands, Chloe and Coryn, a Wii for all their birthdays. And Christmas. For a few years. They are having so much fun with it already.

Ihope y'all have a great Sunday!


  1. I hope your garden didnt' get any damage from the water. It rained all day here. Few days of Sun coming up :)

  2. Looking at your pictures, I'm glad my garden is on a slight slope! It's been pouring here all night. I hope your seeds didn't wash too badly!

  3. My garden is pretty flat right where I'm planting now. But over toward the fence, it's a little slope. And the seeds seem to wash down to the bottom there. The water int he garden is down now, but more rain to come later this week. I think that's enough for a few months.

    Sandra, I know you need some sun up there bad. You've had a lot too.
