Monday, March 11, 2013

My weekend

I got my Book of Bees today! I saw this on Taryn's blog woolymossroots, last week and went ahead and ordered it and got it today! (Look at that dirty dog foot.) I can't wait to read it. I like it already though. the very first thing I read was a little sentence that says, Beekeeping is a business that requires the greatest amount of attention to small details...The good beekeeper is generally more or less cranky. I LOVE that! I think I just might be a good beekeeper then. Because I am a bit cranky, more or less. I cannot wait to get my bees. And a friend wants a hive too but wants me to keep them and we'll go in half on all the equipment. I can do that. I just hope I can get another hive now. He's selling out pretty fast.

So I have had a busy weekend. Saturday, I cleaned out the milk room. And what a mess it was! It's been a year or so since I last cleaned it out really good. So it sure needed a good cleaning. And since I am milking again, I needed to get organized. So got that all done. Even put up a strand of colored Christmas lights for some ambiance. The girls love that!

Sunday did some outdoor work. I joined a farming group called CRAFT which stands for collaborative regional alliance for farmer training. It's based in Ashville, N.C. I went to the first meeting in Chatt. last Sunday. There were several other farmers and wanna be farmers. Some have a few rabbits, some have huge farms. So we set up farm tours for the season. And mine will be the first farm tour, along with my friends up the road. Oh my goodenss, I am so nervous already. My farm is a mess! I mean really. There is SO much to do. And I haven't even started my gardens yet. So, we went around the room and introduced ourselves and had to tell a little about ourselves and farms. I said I have dairy goats and sheep. So when it was time to decide the order of the tours, they said we should start at my farm. Ugh! And I should talk about goats and sheep. I almost said no. Because I don't know a whole lot about what I'm doing here and there are so many people who do. BUT, the more I think about it, the more I want to. Because, everyone does things different, right? I am NOT an expert by any means. I learn something every day. And I can talk about what NOT to do. And things that have gone wrong. And why. And what my plans for this farm are. So, we shall see. I did get an email from a photographer in Chattanooga who saw my FB page and wants to come out and take pictures of my animals! How cool is that? So maybe I can get her to come after the tour when the farm will look good.

Then Sunday afternoon, my friend Sarah called. She was supposed to have come out Sat. but stuff happened. Her and I went last year to buy pullets from a guy in Ringgold who I saw on CL. She bought 15 and I bought 5. Well, of my 5, i was a rooster. But of her 15, 10 were roosters. So you can imagine how crazy she's been. She only had 12 hens. These roosters have terrorized those poor hens for so long that 4 of them have just died. It was horrible. So I brought my double cage to her house last week. She caught 10 of the roosters and just kept one. Put them all in cages. And yesterday she brought them all here and we butchered them all. I could see the relief in her face when it was all over. And her remaining hens are so happy now.

This morning, I gave all the older lambs and the 2 kids their CDT shots. And wormed 2 more ewes. I could NOT get Leelah or Gracie to hold still to give them shots of the Dectomax. I did with Darla though. But I had to go get Cydectin and give it to those 2. So 7 shots and 2 wormers. Done!

Then later this morning, the phone rang. It was Betty, who stays with Mrs. T Monday til Friday morning when I go for the day. Her blood pressure was sky high and she was shaking. She was going to the hospital and could I come stay with Mrs. T? Of course. And it's raining. So I called another lady who had stayed with Mrs. T before to see if she could stay this week. While I was talking to her, I looked out the front window and all the sheep were in the front yard. I would love for them to be in the front yard, but I have azaleas, blueberry bushes, little trees and flowers coming up. And really nice lush sweet green grass growing. So had to run outside and get them all back in. Stayed with Mrs. T til Jan got there, ran to the store for a few things, went to look at an apartment for my daughter, got home and could hear baby lambs crying and mammas calling them. Ran to the house and got boots on. Ran out there to see what was going on.

Those silly sheep. They can tear down a fence to get where they want to be, but let a little gate swing across the path, not even attached to anything, and they can't figure out how to get through. So there are all those sheep, minus a few lambs, out in the pouring rain, crying for their lambs. I got them all together again. had to take Bridget and Bonnie's wet shirts off and dry them in the dryer. Poor babies. So it's hard to eb gone all day.

Now to read about bees.


  1. Wow! You did have a busy weekend! I bet you're going to love your new farming group. It's tough to be first but you have the right attitude. Each of you will no doubt be able to provide insights into "how" it's done, what works, what doesn't...Wish I could be a fly on the wall for those tours!

  2. Hi Tami. Are there no farm groups where you live? In Chattanooga, we have Gaining Ground. They are the sponsors of the Main St Market. And they do a lot of other things. They brought a guy from Michigan here a few weeks ago that has a huge city garden. He had several talks all around Chatt. I'll have to look for his name, I think it's Will, you may have heard of him. But there is a lot going on here in N. Ga. and the Chatt. area right now. Exciting times for small farmers!

  3. My goodness you've been busy!

    I think you'll do great on the farm tour. What a neat experience. And I bet all those heritage roosters will taste delicious. Their meat is so flavorful. Enjoy your bee book today.
