Thursday, March 28, 2013

Chickens. In a tractor.

I went out last night and put the chickens in their new home. They like it. I put a nest box way in the back. It had a chain to hand the waterer on. I love that. So it looks like it will take a few days to eat the grass down. Then I'll move them forward every few days. I hope I get some eggs again. I may even get a few more hens. I really don't need the rooster, so will probably sell him. He's just taking up room. And I don't want to hatch any for chicks. I am really liking this set up a lot.


  1. I would like to get chickens again. But the only way I will is if we get a set up like this. We free ranged for years but they started getting in garden and roosting on our deck. We tried the coop where they were contained all the time and didn't like that. But this might work for us!
    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Sandra, I had these hens out all winter and they were doing great. Scratching the sheep and goat poo around. I miss them doing that. But when I plowed the garden, that's where they want to stay. And I wouldn't get a thing then. So this is the best solution for me. They can still eat grass and bugs, get plenty of sunshine and get moved all over the place. When I get more meat birds, they will go out in the sheep and goat pastures, so they can scratch the manure around for me. And there is plenty of room in this one for at least 8 laying hens.

  3. We put our meat birds in a chicken tractor! 0ur laying hens run around free. Like the green grass you have. I'm waiting for ours to come...soon I hope!

  4. In the front yard, the grass is so tall and green. Wish I could put the sheep out there, but they go straight for the azaleas and boxwood, then the blueberry bushes and flower garden. Why can't they just be happy with nice tall green grass? I wouldn't have to mow at all then.

  5. I'm sure the chickens will be happy to have fresh grass. What a deal to get those great tractors in exchange for chicken!
