Monday, February 25, 2013

Gracie Belle and her sweet lambs

And here is Gracie with her new lambs! The red one is a ram lamb, #9. He looks a lot like her ram lamb from last year, Axel. And the black one is #10, a ewe lamb! She is adorable. And Gracie is such a good mother. Very protective. Every time I'd try to get a picture of both lambs together, she'd get in front of them.

She's doing good so far. I am proud of her. And the lambs are already bouncing around. She had to take the 3rd stall, which is the chicken coop. She had them around 6:30 this morning.

Now Fiona is going to have hers next, hopefully today. I let Leelah out of her stall, and Fiona went right in. So we shall see.

So far, 3 ram lambs and 2 ewe lambs! Not bad for 3 sheep lambing. I had just 5 last year from 5 ewes.


  1. Oh cuteness!!!! I scrolled all the way down the page and read about all the babies!!! Congrats!!!!

  2. SOOOO Sweet!!!! Can't wait to see the rest....the ones that are coming soon:) Blessings~~Shine

  3. All these lambs and goat kids are SO sweet and lovable and I can hardly put them down. I just want to snuggle them right now. But now the 2 buck kids I am bottle feeding, they are a mess. 3 weeks old and already becoming a little too needy. But they are so cute. Taking them Wed. to get them disbudded. What fun!
