Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Abby's boys

Here's Abby's 2 bucklings. They are SO stinkin' cute! The one she's lovin' on looks exactly like her. Just really handsome bucks.

Abby is having a pretty rough time right now. I've been giving her Red Cell mixed with Calcium pills crushed up. Lots of Karo syrup-brown sugar-soda water. Lots of other things. I did give her a few shots of B complex in her back hip. I am hoping that's why she's hobbling a little on that side. She'll be 11 years old on the 9th of Feb. So I think these will be her last kids. It seems to be taking a lot out of her. She did this with Iris Josie last year too but not as bad after the birth.

These little guys are for sale. Abby is registered and John Henry is waiting on his paperwork to be registered too. I am trying to come up with some names for them. Any ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Poor Abby. I've read that 10-11 years is about the time to retire them or breeding with kill them.

    Her little fellows are strapping young lads.

    Names...hmm that's hard. I want to call the darker one Tiber for some reason.
