Thursday, January 17, 2013

Blue jean quilt. Done.

This is the blue jean quilt, held up by the husband. ( I was going to post the other picture of him smiling, but apparently, I can only post one at a time.) So it's plenty long enough for his 6 1/2 foot self. I finished it just in time Monday for him to take it with him when he left. And that night, can't remember where exactly he said he was, but it was 28 degrees. It kept him really warm.

I didn't sew through the pockets so the back looks a little wonky. But it looks pretty good. I just quilted from corner to corner one way then the opposite way.

Now on to other things. I need to make a rainbow scarf for my oldest grand daughter. We are supposed to be getting a little snow today. And some 25 MPH winds. So I hope we don't have any power outages because of fallen trees. So looks like a great day to work on something inside by the fire.

What are y'all working on during the cold wintry days and nights?


  1. Very nice!

    Cold here too but thankfully not much wind.
    Stay Warm!

    1. Thank you Sandra. I am staying warm. Got some more wood today!

  2. Nice work, Kris! I can't believe how quickly you got that done.

    I've been working on winemaking. I got the peach melomel ready for bottling and set up a batch of Skeeter Pee (hard lemonade).

    1. Kristin, you have to try making some dandelion wine and elderberry. I want to learn how. Hope yours turns out good. And I pushed myself to get that quilt done before the hubby left so he could take it with him.

  3. Great quilt Kris. I love all the different jean colors in it and love the pockets. really neat!

    I have been doing a bit of beading. I have sent out some gifts so can't post about it until they are all received!

    1. Thank you, Emily. I would love to see your work too.
