Friday, December 14, 2012

Finally, a tree

I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't like Christmas anymore. It used to be such a wonderful time for me and my family. I would have a tree in every room and decorations all over the house. We would have friends over for parties. Once I even had a neighborhood Christmas potluck dinner.  And when I worked at Ace hardware up the street, I had everyone over for deserts and I fixed everything. It was so fun. I used to bake things and take to neighbors and friends. I would make things with the kids. All our ornaments were hand made by me and my kids through the years. I still have them all. And now the grands are making them. It used to be fun. And magical. And exciting.

But now, I just feel like, what's the big deal? Why take down all the stuff that I have around the house and put up Christmas stuff for a month, then have to put it all away and do it over again? So much work. Ugh.

And since we moved way out here, no one wants to come out this far. So why bother? It's just us anyway. And I don't want to decorate for people passing by.

So today, I made myself go out back and look for a small pine tree. I wanted to at least have a tree. And a cute little scrubby Charlie Brown tree. And it would have to fit on top of the big huge dog crate in the dining room, because there is no room in this small house for it anywhere else. So I found this cute little scrub pine.

Brought it in and stuck it in my pretty antique metal apple bucket with rocks to hold it up. Put some water in it and a flat white sheet around. Went and bought a strand of 100 white lights because every strand I found didn't work. Then Heather and Kansas put up some of the ornaments. They couldn't be too heavy because the branches are not very big.

I think it looks pretty good. I do love white lights at night. And I will get some greenery and red berries for the front window and the buffet and mantle. And some candles. And that's it, folks. I'm done.

So Merry Christmas, y'all!


  1. Hi Kris,
    It is cute! I don't do all that stuff any longer as well. Back in the day I would have 30+ for dinner, gifts and all day thing. Every room to the nines and outside as well.
    Now, all I want is to simplify my life and relax and enjoy the season. I don't want to buy,buy, buy, shop till I drop or decorate because Martha says so ... (who btw has a team of people do for her)
    Anyway, all that is NOT what Christmas is about. Keep it real and keep it simple.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    1. Merry Christmas to you and yours too, Teri! I guess that's what I really do want these days. Just plain and simple. And with grand kids that are 13, 11 and 9 now, it's so hard to know what they want. Too much for me! And I love hand made gifts. That's what I would love to get for myself. But I don't have ant people in my family, except one niece, who make things. My niece makes everything she gives too. I love her! I really don't want to be like Martha. Although, I would love all her people!
