Saturday, October 6, 2012

Market Day. And it's COLD!

This morning I went to the farmer's market. It started raining on the way but then stopped as I got a little closer. I kept thinking I should just turn around and go back home. I don't have a canopy. But I went and it quite raining. But it was windy and so cold! And I was wearing short pants and a short sleeve shirt. It was not cold at home when I left.

This is some of my soaps in thrift store baskets. I think they look so cute. I actually sold one of my "man" soaps, the Ceder-Safron soap. The guy who bought it really liked it.

And here is my spot. You can see how wet it was and all the fallen leaves on the ground. I had my collards and turnip greens in the black totes on the ground. No room on the tables for those big things. I sold them all too! And all my Blue Lake beans and most of the Roma beans. And some radishes and peppers.

The purple eggplants and banana peppers    in the brown baskets are from my friends, Stephanie and Craig, up the road at Everette Heritage Farm. She didn't have a lot to bring so I took them for them to sell. I sold half the eggplants and some peppers. It was busy at times them slowed down. But a good day. I think people see a cloudy day and think we won't be at the market. But we have to go because all this food has been picked.

About 11:00, the market manager came over with a nice canopy tent for me! Set it up for me. I love this market. The people are so nice and friendly. And helpful. And I also have repeat customers! So cool when I see people who have bought from me the week before and they come back and want more and say how good it was. So nice to know that. I really love this market and the people are great.

But I am not ready for the cold weather. It's only supposed to get to the 50's the next few days. I want to go build a fire! And I still need to get all my winter stuff out. And I need a good raincoat to do farm chores in. My other one has rips in both shoulders so it's got to be thrown away. I am soaked after I go out in it.

Is anyone ready for winter? Is it getting cold where you are already? I just hope we have some fall and not go stringht into winter again, like last year.


  1. Hi Kris,
    Your soaps look so pretty in their display ... I am so glad you like this market and wish you continued success!
    It was 46 degrees when I got up this morning, I got the wood stove going to take the chill off ... and I am right there with you, I'm not ready for the cold either.
    Have a great weekend.

    1. 46 is cold! I guess we're just going to skip fall now?

  2. I love your display, Kris! One of these days I'm going to learn to make soap. I'm afraid I need more milk first. I'm getting just over 1/2 gal a day now.

    We've been dipping into the 50's overnight down here. It's been beautiful!

    1. I just started milking my 2 does once a day now. I get half a gallon a day too. So probably no more cheese. I did make some feta yesterday but that's about it til next spring. I have some frozen though for soap.
