Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Peaceable Kingdom

This evening I went out to feed and milk. And put the Freedom Rangers and laying hens back in their pens. This hardly ever happens but they all went in without too much trouble. And I sat out in the sheep yard and got to pet Amarillo and Annabelle! I have been getting a little closer to Amarillo the past few weeks but tonight she let me pet her forehead! And Annabelle has never let me get too near her but I stood there for 5 minutes petting her little head too. It's a sheep miracle! Adelaide has been talking to them, that's what it is. She's telling them it's not bad at all. And actually is quite nice to be petted and kissed on the nose. It was so nice tonight. They are all such sweet sheep. I love my sheep!


  1. Nice! One of my sheep is more friendly then the other, and loves to be petted and loved on. The other one will come over for a minute, then leave. But my little sheep girl can love on them both the most!

  2. bread is a really go treat ... they will love you to death ... mine fight to eat it out of my hands!
    Can't wait to see your lambs next spring!

  3. We should be more like children. I think they would like us more.

    And when they let me pet them, I am heading to feed the chickens with a little bit of scratch. SO I give them a little bit. I got to pet Annabelle and Amarillo again today. They are all so sweet.
