Saturday, September 22, 2012

Happy Fall, y'all!

I love saying that. Sounds so Southern and Paula Dean. Happy fall, y'all! I thought the first day of fall was yesterday. Isn't it always the 21st? This is my 54th fall, so I could be getting a little fuzzy.

Last week, I got my 3rd Taproot magazine. I love this magazine. Every page, every story, is something I am interested in. Such great writers. And the art! Oh my, It's so frame-able. All of it. I hope everyone checks out the magazine and orders one. And NO ADS! At all. How cool is that?

So I went outside, under my shade tree with the magazine and a cup of coffee. Put my feet up and sat there and read most of it. It was such a beautiful day. I don't do this enough. Just sit and read. Or meditate on good things. Listen to the sheep in the yard munching grass. I love that sound. And the clucks of the chickens. Then the loud cries of the goats. That changes everything.

The articles are amazing. So easy to read and I feel like I am there, in the story.  I feel like I know a lot of the writers because they have some of my favorite blogs. Like SouleMama, Small Measure, and several others.

 I took this right up under my tree. Pretty soon there will be no more leaves. The yard is already full of them. I go outside and there are leaves in my hair, falling everywhere. So I will enjoy these last few weeks of nice weather and go outside more. Watch the morning sun come up and go down again. Watch the leaves turn from green to orange and yellow and red and gold. Enjoy all the beautiful weed flowers of fall. Pick armloads to put all over my house.

And then just sit, like my cat, Gilbert, and enjoy my day. Under the shade tree. Til there are no more leaves.

Happy Fall, y'all!

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